CannaBuddy – Medication Policy is an ayurvedic marketplace featuring wellness & holistic Vijaya medication marketplace.
CBD products sold on/via contains cannabis-based formulations. Cannabis falls under Schedule E-1 of The Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. As per law, any consumable medicine containing Schedule E-1 substance must be taken under medical supervision only. A supporting prescription is proof that a medicine will be taken under after due medical diligence, we only initiate shipping of consumable medical products after receiving a prescription corresponding to the order.
We have a doctor in our team as well as quality analyst and compliance officer that ensures a constant monitoring of Active Doctors in our medical panel to create accountability of medical purpose and Medical use of all patients receiving a prescription through us.
This is an Ayurvedic medicine. The efficacy of the medicine has not been independently confirmed as this is an Ayurvedic medicine. There is constant ongoing research to discover new properties and long term and short term effects of different traditional medicine systems, including Ayurveda
Our Medical Experts Panel are independent service providers and is not affiliated to CannaBuddy directly in any manner of direct business. While we have partnered with multiple Doctors to assist you with the consultation and prescription generation process, we have done so only for your convenience. We do not earn any referral fees from them for any service provided. To the extent possible and practicable for us, we have sought to ensure that all Medical Practioneers provide acceptable quality of services to every patient.
For Doctors that are part of the team, a thorough compliance check of their interactions as well as agreements that ensure patients interest are of the highest priority are put in place to safeguard the integrity of the consultation process
However, we cannot provide any guarantee or warranty about their services, since their treatment module is left to their own discretion and we cannot interfere in a Medical practioneer’s medical practice.
So, we encourage you to do your own due diligence and research before availing their services and consult your own medical doctors, ones you have been familiar with for best understanding.
Medical Cannabis is a field still under research and you are purchasing medical products and services with this understanding and we will not be responsible for your experience, while we have done all due diligence from your end, we cannot however assume any liability for factors not in our direct control
Any prescription, whether generated through our internal and/or external doctor network/s will be valid only for a period 120 days from the date of issue
That if you avail our Medical Panel’s services, The Doctor will share your (patient’s) personal and health related information, including your prescription, with us in order to help us facilitate your purchase decision on our Site. You hereby agree that you consent to such transfer. Needless to say, your personal and health related information will be preserved and protected by us as per our Privacy Policy
General Terms
The CBD products range by is enriched with full-spectrum cannabis leaf-based formulations, to maintain the full profile of the cannabis leaf. They contain a variety of cannabinoids, including but not limited to THC, THCa, CBD, CBDa, CBG, and CBN, as well as terpenes and other compounds such as flavonoids, proteins, phenols, sterols, and esters.
The medicines consist of both plain as well as emulsified with multiple herbs such as blue lotus, jasmine, valerian root, belladonna, muellin, mugwort, etc.
Our products aim to create complex intricate molecular combinations by combining Vijaya with other herbs to provide enhanced effects to help alleviate symptoms of several ailments
All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your doctor about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product.
The use of this medicine by pregnant or breastfeeding women may cause harm
- Do not consume if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Do not consume if you have Glaucoma or severe liver issues
- Do not consume if you have very low blood pressure
- Do not handle sharp or dangerous objects after using this product
Consumption of this medicine may impair your ability to drive or operate machinery. Please use extreme caution.
In the event of a MEDICAL EMERGENCY, call your doctor immediately.
You understand that any information and content such as text, graphics, and images found within our website is for general educational and informational purposes only. You understand that such information is not intended nor otherwise implied to be medical advice or a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
By using this website, you confirm that you have reviewed and agree to the terms and conditions. You further acknowledge that all customer testimonials as found on our website are strictly the opinions of their writers and any results achieved are solely individual in nature; your results may vary. reserves the right to refuse or dispatch the product at any time at our discretion.
We will ship the product after verifying your prescription as per currently accepted prescription standards. Therefore, it may take up to 2-3 working days to dispatch your order.